Fill In: Colour variety made easy
The Fill In cans that are pre-filled with a specific blowing agent and solvent are filled quickly and simply with the required colour tone using a spray paint can filling appliance. This creates a ready-to-use spray paint can in the original colour tone of the respective paint manufacturer. The Fill In cans can be filled with the cleaning-free FillClean filling device, with the classic Kwasny filling appliance or another spray can filling device*.
The cleaning-free FillClean filling device is a modular component of the SprayMax Paint Repair concept, the system for professional spot repairs. For more information, please visit
Fill In is pre-filled with propelling gas and other additives. The end product is achieved by adding the paint. The specialist shop is liable for the end product. Clean and sand down surface carefully, remove any rust if necessary, apply primer. Shake can very well. Test spray to check compatibility and colour tone; minor colour deviations are possible. Spray in an even crossways motion at approx. 25 cm distance. Drying time depends on type of paint, coat thickness and temperature.
· You can find the safety data sheets here
· Please request the technical data sheet from the dealer from whom you purchased your product.
*Please check the technical filling capability of all filling devices that are not made by Kwasny beforehand.