- For varnish re-colouring of front, rear and side lights, wind deflectors, glass panes, glass, metal, wood objects, lamps, neon lights, ceramics etc.
Product benefits:
- Varnishing, top quality special product
- Very easy running
- Very economic
- High level of solid matter
- Rapid tack-drying
- Good drying properties
- Scratch resistant
- Very weather resistant
Binding agent base:
- Nitro combination resins
Spray coating:
- For 2 cross-coats: approx. 40 - 50 μm
Drying times:
- Dust dry: after approx. 20 minutes
- Completely dry: after approx. 12 hours
Can be painted over:
- With itself: at any time
- With all Auto-K lacquers: at any time
Paint structure:
- 1. Vernis coloré transparent Auto-K
Recommandation : vérifier au préalable la compatibilité avant de vernir les plastiques et appliquer l'apprêt plastique Auto-K.
Appliquer le vernis en fines couches successives.
La surface à vernir doit être propre, sèche et exempte de traces de graisse.
- Not permitted within the scope of the road traffic regulations!
- Do not spray on surfaces coated with synthetic resins as the paint may lift
- Observe the note and instructions on the can label